
Archive for March, 2012

Today i deleted my account on a “dating” website called Big Church.

Big Church is supposed to be a dating site geared toward Christians. Brother… is that a misnomer.

This site is full of scammers and people that have dropped out of the real world social scheme for whom this serves as some type of human contact. A lot of members with mental issues, and unsocial personalities, and narcissists looking for an audience. There are some really great people, but they are far outweighed by the bad. Expect to be targeted and attack regularly by the former groups if you don’t toe their line.

Because there are no chat or blog administrators, a lot of abuse and attacks go on. Many people have left the site because of these behaviors. If you lean on Big Church, they will delete offenders…but the worst offenders have a trail of handles behind them. A few must have 40 plus. The worst part is that these instigators, abusers and troublemakers masquerade as Christians, and Godly people.

Use the site to approach and meet people in the real world…but don’t bother with chat, the blogs, magazines, or groups.

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